About ICEPAE 2021
2021 2nd International Conference on Energy Power and Automation Engineering (ICEPAE 2021) was successfully taken place on April 23-24, 2021 online.
Group photo
Keynote speaker 1:
Prof. Rajan Jose
Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Title:Electrospun Flexible Energy Devices
Keynote speaker 2:
Prof. Zhou Wu
Chongqing University, China
Title:Building energy efficiency retrofit: artificial intelligence and informatics approaches
Keynote speaker 3:
A.Prof.Xingxing Zhang
Energy and community building, Dalarna University, Sweden
Title:Solar energy as an important RES (renewable energy source) envelope solution for resilient buildings and cities
Keynote speaker 4:
A.Prof.Jia Wen
Hunan University, China
Title:Functional Materials for Chromium Remediation: from Water to Soil